Facebook Advertising Made Easy With SocialBoost!

You choose your target audience based on age, gender, location, hobbies, education and interests.
Customized advertisements are created from scratch to deliver the perfect message to your target audience.
  Your advertisements are live on Facebook within 24 hours, and SocialBoost provides updated reporting that monitors how many users are reached each and everyday.
What is SocialBoost?
SocialBoost is the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way to market your company or brand through social media. It is a one-of-a-kind service that carries no risk or long-term commitment.
With packages starting at only $149 per month, SocialBoost offers an expertly designed and fully managed Facebook advertising campaign that allows you to target your client base more effectively and increase your sales substantially.
We will provide you with:
Customized Facebook Ad(s)
Demographic Targeting
Impression & Visibility Reporting
No Per-Click Charges
Easy Online Account Management
Dedicated Customer Support
Ongoing Ad Optimization
Enhanced Visibility
Custom User Interest Targeting
  contact@wpromote.com   www.wpromote.com/socialboost   1.800.514.9469

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