Advertising Copywriting - Think Quality Over Quantity

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February 8, 2011
Issue 650
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Advertising Copywriting - Think Quality Over Quantity

For many years now, the word "content" has been a big buzz word in the world of internet marketing, and traffic generation, in particular. People now understand the role that content plays in a successful SEO strategy.

In theory, the more content you have out there, the more readers you can attract, and the more customers you'll subsequently receive as they follow the links back to your website.

As a result, large and small businesses alike are now employing copywriters to produce things like articles, press releases and blog posts for them, in an attempt to dominate their marketplace with relevant, search-engine friendly content.

But while this content might be search-engine friendly, it's often anything but reader-friendly!

And this is the problem with a lot of online content that I see these days. The prevailing attitude seems to be one of quantity over quality, and it's an attitude that is hurting, rather than helping many new businesses.

Think Quality, not Quantity

It's not hard to find "economy" copywriters who will churn out a bunch of articles for you, but it's important to remember one thing: will your potential customers be impressed by it? Will this content make them want to buy YOUR product over your competitors?



After all, the whole point of paying someone to write content for you is so that when people read it, they'll be compelled to click on your website link to find out more, right?

Well, if the content is of poor quality, will this happen?

Quite simply, the answer is no, because there's a lot more to a successful content-writing strategy than quantity.

Indeed, if you really want to attract a horde of enthusiastic buyers, your content needs to be top-quality. It must excite and intrigue, and it needs to be so powerful that before the prospect has even finished reading it, they're ready to whip out their credit card and click on the order button!

The cold, hard truth is that you probably won't get this sort of quality content from the Philippines or India!

Content is King!

Yeah I know, I'm sure you've read that phrase at least a hundred times already, but the truth is, the quality of your copywriting really is a crucial determining factor in whether or not you make sales. And whether or not your website moves upwards in the search engine results.



This brings me to another important point - that of link building, which is a huge part of any search engine optimization strategy. The bottom line is that internet users will typically only follow good quality content. They won't stay on a website, read an article, or indeed, link to it, if the content is poorly written.

And this is crucial.

You want people to not only click on the link in your article and thus land on your website, but also to link to the article itself, because this will help your site's rankings. And people will only do this if they value the content they've read.

So if you want your website to achieve high rankings in the search engines, you absolutely must provide good quality content that your readers will enjoy, act on, and link to.

In order to get high quality content that's written with both the search engines AND human beings in mind, it's a good idea to hire a professional freelance copywriter who will not only be able to sell your product, but will also be able increase the likelihood of readers linking to it, thus boosting its search engine ranking.

About the Author: Nick Cobb -


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